WE DON'T HAVE EYES. THAT WHAT WE CALL EYES ARE SCANNERS OR CAMERAS OF REFLECTED LIGHT WAVES (PHOTON) THAT FEED DATA TO THE WIRELESS BRAIN-MIND-ANTENNA. AND LIGHT MAY NOT EVEN EXIST.Everything written, seen , heard/said AND SPOKEN is fictious, manipulative, illusion and mind control by the evil. You are the driver of a vehicle (body). This vehicle cannot see. You (Soul, 3rd eye) can see.

We are the result of the most advanced technology, yet, we may never have access to this advanced technology running on a 2-Strand DNA. Every being has the right to break the limitations of this genetic code. Try looking inside, because there is nothing outside.

Monday, July 13, 2020

The World's Most Dangerous Blood Type

Bacteria can Change a Blood Cells Blood Type

Thursday, March 19, 2020



Blood type A ‘more vulnerable’ to coronavirus

Researchers in China studied people who had been diagnosed with the illness.

  • People with blood type A may be more vulnerable to COVID-19, study claims.
  • Researchers found that of the 206 patients in the study who died, 85 had blood type A, equivalent to 41 per cent of all deaths.
  • Advice is still to wash your hands and follow the guidelines issued by authorities, whatever your blood type.
People with blood type A may be more susceptible to coronavirus compared to other blood types, scientists have claimed.
Researchers in China looked at blood group patterns of more than 2,000 people who had been diagnosed with the new coronavirus as part of a preliminary study.
They found that those with blood type A were more vulnerable to infection and tended to develop more severe symptoms while those with the more common blood type O had a “significantly lower risk” of getting the disease.
Although the study is yet to be peer-reviewed by other academics, the team are urging medics and governments to consider blood type differences when treating patients with the virus and helping prevent the spread of the disease.
The paper is currently a ‘pre-print’, meaning it hasn’t been vetted by a group of scientists who will assess if the science – the method, the analysis and the inferences drawn from the data – stands up, and it hasn’t been published in a journal. The peer review process is designed to weed out errors, misinterpretation or flawed research methods. But in order to speed up the distribution of research (as the peer review process takes time) scientists do post papers to pre-print archives first.
Latest coronavirus news:
The researchers, led by Wang Xinghuan of the Zhongnan Hospital at Wuhan University, looked at the blood of 2,173 people who had been diagnosed with the coronavirus from three hospitals in the Hubei province.
They found that while blood type O (34 per cent) is more common in the general population in China than type A (32 per cent), around 41 per cent of COVID-19 patients had blood type A, whereas people with type O accounted for just 25 per cent.
Of the 206 patients in the study who died, 85 had blood type A, equivalent to 41 per cent of all deaths, the researchers said.
Coronavirus: aggressive 'L type' strain affecting 70 per cent of cases (An illustration of the coronavirus, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) © Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images)

An illustration of the coronavirus, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) © Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images
Speaking to South China Morning Post, Gao Yingdai, a researcher with the State Key Laboratory of Experimental Haematology in Tianjin, said while the research may be helpful to medical professionals, the public should not worry too much about the findings.
She added: “If you are type A, there is no need to panic. It does not mean you will be infected 100 per cent.
“If you are type O, it does not mean you are absolutely safe, either. You still need to wash your hands and follow the guidelines issued by authorities.”
Read more about viruses:
In the UK population, 48 per cent have blood type O, making it the most common blood group, while 38 per cent have type A.
GPs do not routinely check people’s blood groups so for those wanting to know their blood type, one of the options is to donate blood through the NHS Blood and Transplant, which will be recorded on the official donor card.

How do viruses make us ill?

Viruses are extremely tiny parasites made of genetic material, wrapped in proteins and sometimes an outer membrane layer, which hijack living cells to reproduce themselves. We’re exposed to viruses every day, but our immune system prevents the vast majority of them from taking hold – especially those that we’ve fought off before, or been vaccinated against.
The first stages of an infection happen when a virus gets past our physical barriers of skin and mucus, and enters a suitable cell. Once inside, a virus can take over the cell, forcing the cell to make many copies of the virus (replicate), which damages the cell and sometimes kills it. The newly-made viruses are released to find a new cell. We get ill when a virus has established an infection in many cells, and our body’s normal functioning changes.
Viruses often infect specific places in our bodies, which is where we feel their effect. Rhinoviruses infect our upper airways behind our nose, and we respond with snot and sneezes: a common cold. The coronavirus that emerged in 2019 (called SARS-CoV-2) infects our lower airways, including our lungs, leading to pneumonia.
Our body fights viruses by creating an inflammatory response and calling in specialist cells from our tissues and organs. Some of these cells can make antibodies against the virus, some destroy the infected cells, and others build a memory of the virus for next time. Some of the things that make us feel ill – snot, fever and swollen lymph nodes, for example – are due to our body’s battle to get rid of the virus, not because of the virus itself.
Read more:

Friday, January 31, 2020


Is Rh-Negative Blood Alien In Origin?

3d illustration of cell under microscope. Life and biology, medicine scientific. Medical background
As humans, we believe we evolved from apes and the Rh factor in our blood even derives its name from the Rhesus Macaque. But when it comes to the antigens in our blood there’s a small percentage of the population with a strange anomaly, leading some to question if Rh-negative blood is alien in origin.

Where Does Rh Negative Blood Come From?

There are 35 blood group systems organized by our genetic structure to carry the information that produces antigens. Antigens are molecules that produce an immune response, so when a foreign substance or toxin enters our system, antigens tell our bodies to attack them.
Within the Rh system there are 61 antigens, with the D antigen determining whether one is Rh-positive of Rh-negative. This antigen is a sensitive protein that exists on the surface of red blood cells and can react negatively if it comes in contact with Rh-positive blood.

The Gods of Eden

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If a woman with Rh-negative blood becomes pregnant with an Rh-positive baby, her body will produce antigens signaling to her immune system that her fetus is essentially toxic. Oddly, the woman’s body will kill its own fetus, unless given a rare antibody known as Rh-D immunoglobulin. This complication is known as hemolytic disease.
Some believe Rh-negative blood is simply a mutation that came about at some unknown time in our evolution. But, as strange as it sounds, others have speculated at the possibility that it may have come from an alien species that interbred with humans or engineered us in some way, producing a hybrid bloodline.
When we look at hybrid animals in other species, there are similar incompatibilities and sometimes even complete infertility. When a horse and donkey mate, the genetic differences result in a sterile mule. The same goes for a liger – the progeny of a lion and a tiger – the two species chromosomes don’t match, so they produce infertile offspring. Could there be a similar incompatibility between Rh-negative mothers and Rh-positive babies?

Learn more about our alien origins. Watch this full-length video free!

Rh Negative Characteristics

About 15 percent of the world’s population has the Rh-negative distinction, with the D-antigen absent in their veins. But this percentage of the population is not spread evenly across all areas of the planet. While humans are thought to all share a common ancestor, originating in sub-Saharan Africa, the number of Rh-negative Africans is disproportionately low compared to others – about three percent. In Asia, that proportion is even lower with only about one percent of the population possessing this rare blood type.

rh-negative blood alien

The gene that produces Rh-negative is largely present in Caucasians, with the highest concentration found in a small region on the Iberian Peninsula between France and Spain, known as the Basque region. Here, straddling the Pyrenees mountains, up to 40 percent of the population is Rh-negative, and that’s not the only distinguishing feature of the region.
Those from the Basque are also the only people of Western Europe who continue to speak an indigenous Indo-European language – an isolated tongue not spoken anywhere else in Europe. But this language is not just isolated, it’s completely unrelated to other European languages.
A more mundane explanation for the homogenous traits of people from the Basque region is the idea that early farmers, during the start of the agricultural revolution, mixed with local hunters, before becoming isolated for thousands of years preserving their language and genetics. Others have posited the idea that the Basques could have been the pure descendants of the first modern humans to arrive in Europe.
But another theory that falls in the more ethereal category is that the Nephilim of biblical lore are responsible for Rh-negative blood types. In the Book of Enoch, the Nephilim, also known as the Watchers, descend from the heavens and mate with humans, creating a human-angel hybrid. This group of angels and their offspring were wiped out in the great biblical deluge, though some were said to have survived, leaving the Rh-negative blood distinction.
Another otherworldly theory is that the Anunnaki, the extraterrestrial race that helped establish ancient Mesopotamian civilizations, engineered or crossbred with humans, and that some part of this process created the Rh-negative blood type.
It’s alleged that people with Rh-negative blood have distinct physical features paired with a predilection for psychic phenomena and alien abductions. Some of those features are:
  •      Higher than average IQ
  •      Lower body temperature
  •      Higher blood pressure
  •      Red or reddish hair
  •      Extra vertebrae
  •      Sensitive vision and particular sensitivity to sunlight
  •      Elevated intuition

Could there be any validity behind this, or is it an elitist idea that there might be a small percent of the population that has advanced, extraterrestrial genetics? While there’s not much grounding evidence of these alleged characteristics, some have pointed to instances of red-haired rulers in ancient civilizations throughout the world as potentially having some connection.
In South America, some of the bizarrely-shaped, oblong Paracas skulls were found to have red hair in an area where that hair color isn’t native. The gene for red hair originates in the Middle East and Europe. Breakaway archeologists, like L.A. Marzulli have connected these red-haired skulls to the Nephilim. Could the Rh-negative blood type be another connecting factor?